ThyssenKrupp has introduced the new generation elevator collection
The ThyssenKruppIndustrial Group (Germany),the world's leading companiesinelevatormarket, hasselectedthe designofFrencharchitect “EricGizard”to createnewmodel elevators.EricGizard has decided toreplace thesharp angles tothecurves. This helpsthe usersfeel likein acocoonwith more comfortable and lessrestrictive space.The inside classic space is changed withlights and modern colors.The Impressivecolors is often used by EricGizardtocreate the interactionbetween the materials. Hereisthe contrastbetweenblack andwhitebut it stillcreates comfortable and harmoniousspaces.EricGizardlovesto showhis style in thenarrowspace. This helps him totransformthe limited spaceof theelevatorcabinbecomesmorewide &comfortable basic on the combination between lightsandreflective materialsto create the depth for theinterior space.A chain ofLEDribbon is placedatthefoot ofthe wall tocreatesoftlights. This ribbon chain is controlledautomatically in order to changethe light fromredto blue, green and bright adjustment tocreatea real impressive atmosphereinside the lifts. EricGizard’sDesignedhelps ThyssenKrupp Elevator Group turn elevators intoarealliving space, not just atransport tool.